Der Entwickler DICE den man von der Battlefiled Reihe oder von Mirrors Edge kennt, hat auch bei Need for Speed Hot Pursuit mitgeholfen. Der Auftrag für DICE war es eine Karte zu erstellen die vier mal so groß ist als die von Burnout Paradise. Nebenbei hat Criterion Games Wert gelegt, dass es eine Karte mit weitläufigen Strecken mit schönen Lanschaften und großen Wüsten wird.
"Its been a great collaboration actually. Early on we set style guides for what we wanted to create out of this game, to offer players the ability to see a wide variety of types of environments from the deserts to the mountains to the forest to the coastal routes and so forth.
We started talking to them about what we wanted to do and they got excited about the project; they have a very talented team of artists at DICE led by Johannes Söderqvist, their art director. We created all the roads here, we did a lot of work to get the gameplay right before we made it look pretty. They took those roads and those style guides and delivered 110 per cent on what we were looking for with the final result."
Criterion Games hat sehr viel Wert auf die schnellen und Atemraubenden Wagen gelegt.
Das funktioniert in großen Städten einfach schlechter als in schönen Wäldern, Landstraßen und Wüsten. Laut Criterion wird es zwar ein paar kleine Städte geben aber hauptsächlich wird Hot Pursuit aus einer schönen offenen Landschaft bestehen.
"We do have some towns and stuff in here but this is about driving on the ultimate roads with these really powerful machines - the last place you want to do that is in a city.
In general, in Need for Speed in the past, putting the game in a city has been really challenging because if you want to make it a convincing city with a city grid, thats not going to be much fun to drive so you end up having to bend the roads round and the city looks a bit odd. It doesnt make the game more fun to play having buildings all around. I actually think getting the road splines perfect is the key to making the games fun."
PCGames (Quelle)
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